Pub Trend: LC is an Offlaners Wet Dream

Straight to the point today. Basically, LC makes it easier to offlane in pubs. Based off my experienced in pub play since her addition, I’ve come to this conclusion. Here’s why…..

Part 1: The Laning
With most “pub jungers”, its often hard to work out where they’re going to lane. Ursa, Lifestealer and Lone Druid for example all jungle fairly frequently in pubs. The problem is that it’s also very common for these heroes to lane. To the point where you can’t really predict if they’re laning or jungling.

LC on the other hand, seems to jungle over 90% of the time. In basically all skill levels.

Part 2: The Problem
So if LC is jungling, it’s thus now either a solo safe lane + offlane duo, or a safelane duo with a solo offlaner. Either situation, is now much easier if you’re a solo offlaner as you’re not up against a trilane.

The other thing about LCs, is that they don’t gank/push. It can actually be fairly hard for her to. So other “High Percentage Junglers” like Chen, Enchantress and Enigma can easily plop out of the jungle and gank/push your lane (or even mid), this LC isn’t going to.

The most important thing about all of this. Is that LC is currently the second most played hero in the game, in 25% of all games played.

Part 3: The Consequences
So now we have: A popular pick, who’s a high percentage jungler who doesn’t push/gank. She is the definition of a pub pick that has made the lanes amazingly weak.

If you – for whatever reason – end up having to offlane solo against a LC team, you are going to have an amazingly easy time. You can pick a solid hero like BB or Timber, sap so much xp/gold, and then go to town. Weaver often works great too.

You are getting way more then you should, to the point where you can humorously enough, not only win your lane. But destroy it. Heroes like Timber and Bristle can just do so much if you give them space, which is exactly what they just gave you.

The funny thing is, normally a solo offlaner gives the jungler space to free farm. But in LCs case, he’s basically going to 100% ignore his safe lane. Which gives you the unique chance to shut down their carry, due to the LC picker.

Part 4: The Disclaimer
– I’m not saying anything about the viability of jungling her. I am simply stating that in my experience, she seems to jungle a lot in pub play.

– I’m not saying you should allow her to free farm, but if solo offlaning is how the lanes have ended up, then you can often make life a living hell for the enemy carry/support, to the point where the FF LC is much less of a problem.

3 thoughts on “Pub Trend: LC is an Offlaners Wet Dream

  1. Pingback: Pub Trend: LC is an Offlaners Wet Dream | dotoblog

  2. Completely agree, I’ve had so many easy games as an offlaner vs. 2 heroes.

    Especially Lone Druid. Lone Druid is able to win so many 1v2 matchups, and in pubs where people have only seen Lone Druid in the jungle, you can get kills on their carry if he steps out of position and you Entangle.

    A game where your trilane-protected carry has farm _and_ your offlane carry has farm and their carry has been being harassed is an easy game.

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